Skin Diseases

Viral Pigmented Plaques

Viral Pigmented Plaques

viral-pigmented-plaquesVeterinary Dermatology of New England provides specialized diagnosis and treatment for your pet’s dermatologic condition. Viral pigmented plaques are an infectious disease of the skin caused by an invasion by a virus. Proper diagnosis of the underlying virus is important to provide the proper treatment for your pet.

Diagnosing Viral Pigmented Plaques

Proper diagnosis of viral pigmented plaques includes a through pet history, a physical exam of the lesions, and additional diagnostic testing such as skin scrapings, blood work, or a biopsy. Based on your pet’s results, we will outline the proper treatment options and partner with you to provide the highest quality pet healthcare.
Carl Vest Mandy Miniature Schnauzer 1 yr FS salt/pepper Biopsy #: H00-1241

Treating Viral Pigmented Plaques

One component of your pet’s viral pigmented plaque treatment may include the removal of the lesion.  Our veterinary team provides high-quality services, and your pet’s safety and comfort are continuously monitored throughout the procedure and recovery.

Please contact us to schedule an appointment. No referral is needed to be diagnosed and treated at our clinic, and we will follow up with your primary veterinarian to ensure he or she is informed of the diagnosis and treatment your pet receives.